
Dear journalists,

the accreditation of Ilosaarirock is closed. All applicants will be informed about the desicions by 29.6. However, in case you have not received a reply from us by the end of June, please contact

You can collect your press passes, including a photo lisence, from the check in -point, which is situated at the lobby of the near-by ice rink. Please see the map link below.

Map of the festival site & check in -point >

Media Centre - location and services

The Media Centre is located in the backstage area of the main stage. The Media Centre will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon to 8pm. It is also possible to arrange special opening hours, preferably well in advance. Your visits to Media Centre can be work-related but you can also go there just to rest from the seething crowds. When you are coming to the Media Centre please use the gate which is on the right side of the main stage when you are facing it. This way the traffic will be more flexible.

At Media Centre there are four computers for your use and two laptop spots with Internet connections. The computers are meant mainly for writing articles. If necessary, photographers can use the computers to transfer photos. In case you need some extra devices, please contact the undersigned beforehand.

Interview requests and the artist area

Interview requests for both Finnish and foreign artists must be made directly to the artist's record company. Please find the contact information for record company representatives below. If necessary, the staff at Media Centre will forward requests to artists.

The media representatives do not have direct access to the backstage artist areas. The main stage VIP tent and the Media Centre, for example, are good places to arrange interviews in. The Media Centre staff will help in all possible ways with arranging times and places for interviews.

Guidelines for photographers

A right to take photos is included in the Ilosaarirock media pass. The basic rule on all stages is that with a media pass you can take photos with a flash ONLY from in front of the stage, i.e. between the stage and the security fence, during THREE first songs.

The stage security personnel may have different guidelines from the ones stated above, because of artists' wishes or security reasons. In order to get guidelines concerning each band you have to arrive at the stage five minutes before each gig starts at the latest. Photographers cannot go on the stage or the stage constructions. Remember also that the security personnel are responsible for safety on stage and they need space to do their jobs.

Guidelines for video shooting

Ilosaarirock does not grant permissions for video shooting; that is why all video shooting permissions have to be asked directly from each artist's representative. You can shoot video in the festival area if those you are shooting agree on this. When shooting video, the unfortunate basic rule is that everything that is not permitted is forbidden.

The stage security personnel may have different guidelines from the ones stated above, because of artists' wishes or security reasons. In order to get guidelines concerning each band you have to arrive at the stage five minutes before the gig starts at the latest. Photographers cannot go on the stage or the stage constructions. Remember also that the security personnel are responsible for safety on stage and they need space to do their jobs.

Festival press conference and other information

The general festival press conference of the festival organiser – Joensuun Popmuusikot ry – is on Saturday and Sunday at 5pm in Finnish and at 6pm in English. Information regarding Ilosaarirock is updated on the Media Centre notice board and the Media section of the Ilosaarirock web page.

General information on Ilosaarirock, Joensuun Popmuusikot ry, as well as the city of Joensuu you can find in Media Centre.

For international media, the contact person is Tiina Sotkasiira, tel. +358 400 902462.

Welcome to Ilosaarirock!

Press Photos

The Darkness

The Darkness

(1670 × 2362 px, RGB, 1,0 mt)

Scar Symmetry

Scar Symmetry

(3696 × 2848 px, RGB, 3,15 kt)



(1800 × 1800 px, RGB, 1,69 mb)

Paprika Korps

Paprika Korps

(2020 × 1428 px, RGB, 489 kb)



(3284 × 2525 px, crayscale, 2,56 mt)



(2623 × 2676 px, RGB, 1,02 mb)



(2048 × 3072 px, RGB, 2,56 mb)

Kid Koala

Kid Koala

(2048 × 1536 px, RGB, 1,65 mb)



(3638 × 2921 px, RGB, 2,34 mb)



(2110 × 2100 px, RGB, 4,50 mb)

Nicole Willis

Nicole Willis

(2953 × 1955 px, RGB, 1,31 mb)

Ilosaarirock Poster

Ilosaarirock 2006

(PDF-file, 35 × 59,4 cm, 120 kb)

(4134 × 7017 px, RGB, 161 kb)