Joensuu Finland 15th–17th Jul 2016

Man and guitar on the sunny Main Stage – Passenger

Passenger took the stage confidently.

Passenger. Photo: Lauri Kosonen

Passenger is just one man and his guitar. Regardless of being alone on the stage, Mike Rosenberg delivered a captivating concert filled with beautiful ballads and interactive energy. The man has an amazing voice that reached a large crowd in the sunny Laulurinne. After a little persuasion, the crowd sang along to the choruses at full volume and, of course, the hit song Let Her Go was also heard.

We interviewed two rockers, Jan-Erik Hiltunen and Antti Tolvanen, who listened to Passenger relaxed in their picnic chairs.

How do you feel about this gig?

Jan-Erik: Feels like being at the Pori Jazz festival – very relaxed.

Antti: The guy has a very nice voice. Overall, I’m definitely enjoying this gig. And that’s the most important thing, right?

What else do you think about the artist?

Jan-Erik: The guy is alone on stage but doing very well nevertheless.

Antti: Maybe it would be better if there was a band supporting him but I think that he’s doing great like this, too.

Text: Markus Jalkanen
: Lauri Kosonen
Translation: Jenni Rajala

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