Ilosaarirock Joensuu 3 days 14th-16th July 2017

Jarkko Martikainen & Luotetut Miehet (FIN)

Jarkko Martikainen & Luotetut Miehet

Jarkko Martikainen, a gifted singer-songwriter, has called together his trusted friends and is once again performing as Jarkko Martikainen & Luotetut miehet. Their first full length album Ruosterastaat contains some of the best ballads and tightest tunes from Martikainen, who observes this world with a sly smile and a twinkle in his eye. With Luotetut Miehet, Martikainen's crystallized notions of the everyday life are woven together with sparkling vivacity and tender hues. One of the most significant singer-songwriter of his generation is better than ever.

P.S. The rumour has it we will hear some classics from Martikainen's former band YUP, too. Just to let you know.

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