Ilosaarirock Joensuu 3 days 14th-16th July 2017

Leprous (NOR)


The metalheads around the globe first got to know the progressive metal outfit Leprous as the live band of Ihsahn of Emperor. It just might the influences of Ihsahn and the mountains gales of Norway that the band's prog is fiercer and more calamitous than many others of the genre. The majestic music of Leprous is aggressive and emotional instead of mathematical or formalistic.

The four albums of Leprous offer an excellent basis for their impressive live sets. Thunderous blasts of riffs, melodies that chill to the bone and epic twists and turns are combined with the powerful voice of the vocalist Einar Solber. You get the picture if you imagine Radiohead playing black metal or Tool with Nordic influences. We warmly recommend this chilling band for all the friends of metal, prog and ambitious alternative music.

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