Behemoth (POL)


The Polish Behemoth blew away the metal scene with their 2014 album The Satanist. The album was loved by critics and fans alike, and it raised the band that was established way back in 1991 to a new level of popularity and to the festival main stages. The album crystallizes the Behemoth sound that has been honed and perfected for years: it is a combination of traditional black metal, unrelenting death and thrash metal riffs topped with grim dramatics. The album is considered a genre classic for a reason.

As fans are well aware, Behemoth gigs are something to behold. The performances are theatrical masses where an other-worldly atmosphere combines with technical wizardry and an overwhelming onslaught of distortion. On top of this storm wave is the band's vocalist Nergal who has been piloting the ship that is Behemoth for three decades. Blow Up Your Trumpets!

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Friday 13th Jul: Beast In BlackCMX & Joensuu City OrchestraCledosDisco EnsembleDizzee Rascal (UK)EvelinaGasellitGogol Bordello (USA)Ismo AlankoJenni VartiainenLewis Capaldi (UK)Mara BallsMokomaNelli MatulaNightwishPastoriPikeSaturday 14th Jul: ApulantaAtomirottaFlat EarthHard ActionHuoraHurula (SWE)Ida Paul & Kalle LindrothKube & Eevil StööKUUMAAK-X-PMMilky Chance (GER)MopoOlavi UusivirtaPaperi TReino NordinSaimaaSANNISatyricon (NOR) • Shiraz Lane • Stam1naTöölön KetteräVon Hertzen BrothersVärttinä feat. PalefaceZara Larsson (SWE)Sunday 15th Jul: AmorphisBehemoth (POL)Blind ChannelCheekCircleIBEJack White (USA)Juha TapioLasten HautausmaaLitku KlemettiNight Lovell (CAN)PyhimysRuudolfRuusutSini YaseminUrsus FactoryVestaVilma AlinaZeal & Ardor (USA/CHE)Zedd (GER)