Luukas Oja

Luukas Oja

Luukas Oja, who originally hail from Joensuu, have breathed new life into the Finnish rock music scene. When childhood friends Iita Ylönen and Jessica Kräkin decided the world needs more kick-ass female rock stars, Luukas Oja was born as a result. The band has grown since the early days to become a five-piece ensemble of punk attitude, banter and explosive energy.

Their first singles Muijista and Luukasoja have been well-received by both radio audiences and music critics alike, and comparisons have been made to some of the great alt-rock bands of the early 2000s. Luukas Oja perform their catchy and brazen guitar rock with a mischievous twinkle in their eye, refusing to take themselves too seriously.

If you’re in need of some serious fun with a large serving of rowdiness, Luukas Oja is just what the doctor ordered.


< Takaisin ohjelmasivulle

Perjantai 12.7.: AidaArchitects (UK)DJ Snake (FRA)EllipsEttaEva + ManuIBELuukas OjaPale Waves (UK)Pariisin KevätPää KiiSwallow the SunVesalaVestaViikate – Kuu kaakon yllä 10vVille Valo & AgentsWheelLauantai 13.7.: Alcest (FRA)Beast in BlackCheat Codes (USA)ChisuDermot Kennedy (IE)Elias GouldFGettomasaHenrik!Ida Paul & Kalle LindrothJ. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJori SjöroosJVGLost SocietyLxandraMONO (JPN)MouhousOlavi UusivirtaPasaRicky-Tick Big Band & Julkinen SanaRumaSamuli Putro – Suuret rukouksetSunrise AvenueSydän, sydänTurmion KätilötSunnuntai 14.7.: AdikiaAlmaAnna PuuGasellitHuoraJoni Ekman & KoiraJukka NousiainenKingston Wall by JJylli, Kuoppis & VHBKynnetMaustetytötPauliina KokkonenPerturbator (FRA)Pyhimys & SaimaaRadio SupernovaRae Sremmurd (USA)RistoSANNIShame (UK)SOFAStam1naThe Chainsmokers


Koff     Lidl