

FRI 15th JUL 4pm | Rento Stage

Arppa has been the talk of the Finnish music scene for a couple of years already. Chances are, if you’re in the business, you’ve heard his name first in whispers and now in delighted screams of awe and wonder as well as praise for his captivating live shows. And it’s only getting louder.

Arppa makes ageless Finnish rock music that seems to transcend all laws of time and existence. The singer, Aaro Airola, is exceptionally skilled at writing songs that are both catchy and effortlessly flowing. It’s almost telephatic, the way the songs come to life when Airola and his band play them live, making you forget where and who you are and what matters beyond what is happening right in front of you on stage.

Arppa is the number one artist you’ll want to see live right now.

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A36 (SE)ABREUAlan Walker (NO)Antti TuiskuArppaAshnikko (US)Battle BeastBeast In BlackBEHMBlind ChannelChisuCledoscosteeEge ZuluEllinooraErika VikmanEttaEvelinaFGasellitGettomasaHaloo Helsinki!HapporadioHassan MaikalHassisen KoneHuoraibeInhaler (IE)J. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJVGKnipiKUUMAALähiöbotoxLasten HautausmaaLauri HaavLauri TähkäLuukas OjaMaustetytöt x AgentsMC KOOMELOMoon ShotMouhousNightwishOlavi UusivirtaSami YaffaSexmaneTehosekoitinTones and I (AU)Ulver (NO)Ursus FactoryVesalaVestaVIIVIVOLA (DE)Yeboyah