

SUN 17th JUL 7:15pm | Rento Stage

Singer-songwriter Evelina is truly unmatched. Her honey-like vocals, harrowing and personal lyrics and her unbreakable knack for blending the best of pop, hip hop and r’n’b together are just a few of the reasons why Evelina is one of the top names of Finnish pop music.

The charismatic pop singer’s live shows are an experience as Evelina takes you on a journey from her hip popping dance hits to her more delicate ballads and all the way back. You don’t fully even understand the emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on until the show is over – and after that, you just feel grateful you got to experience it all with a captain as capable as Evelina.

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A36 (SE)ABREUAlan Walker (NO)Antti TuiskuArppaAshnikko (US)Battle BeastBeast In BlackBEHMBlind ChannelChisuCledoscosteeEge ZuluEllinooraErika VikmanEttaEvelinaFGasellitGettomasaHaloo Helsinki!HapporadioHassan MaikalHassisen KoneHuoraibeInhaler (IE)J. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJVGKnipiKUUMAALähiöbotoxLasten HautausmaaLauri HaavLauri TähkäLuukas OjaMaustetytöt x AgentsMC KOOMELOMoon ShotMouhousNightwishOlavi UusivirtaSami YaffaSexmaneTehosekoitinTones and I (AU)Ulver (NO)Ursus FactoryVesalaVestaVIIVIVOLA (DE)Yeboyah