Maustetytöt x Agents

Maustetytöt x Agents

SUN 17th JUL 2pm | Main Stage

Ooh, Finnish indie group Maustetytöt and legendary rock’n’roll band Agents are combining forces and hopping on a tour bus together to play a handful of selected shows this upcoming summer! Already set to be the most interesting musical combo of this year, we can expect to hear a mix of Maustetytöt hits and Agents classics, all arranged for this special collaboration.

Maustetytöt and Agents may seem like an odd pair, but when taking into account how both groups’ respective songs have tickled the deep melancholic bits of Finns’ souls for years or decades, it becomes clear that this is a match made in music heaven. We can’t wait to see what the Karjalainen siblings of Maustetytöt and Pulliainen siblings of Agents come up with!

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A36 (SE)ABREUAlan Walker (NO)Antti TuiskuArppaAshnikko (US)Battle BeastBeast In BlackBEHMBlind ChannelChisuCledoscosteeEge ZuluEllinooraErika VikmanEttaEvelinaFGasellitGettomasaHaloo Helsinki!HapporadioHassan MaikalHassisen KoneHuoraibeInhaler (IE)J. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJVGKnipiKUUMAALähiöbotoxLasten HautausmaaLauri HaavLauri TähkäLuukas OjaMaustetytöt x AgentsMC KOOMELOMoon ShotMouhousNightwishOlavi UusivirtaSami YaffaSexmaneTehosekoitinTones and I (AU)Ulver (NO)Ursus FactoryVesalaVestaVIIVIVOLA (DE)Yeboyah