Olavi Uusivirta

Olavi Uusivirta

SAT 16th JUL 7:45pm | Tent Stage

Olavi Uusivirta and his luminous band are the fixed star of the Finnish music scene, a well-established fan favorite that has been fitted for the crown of the best live band in Finland. Without ranking any artists, we can confidently say that the foursome of Uusivirta, Krogerus and the two Kämäräinen’s is definitely a hard-hitting one. The group’s shows are full of charge, virtuosity and total ecstasy, not to mention some of the millennium’s most rigorous Finnish rock anthems!

Olavi Uusivirta’s gigs bring us comfort and hope, and right when we need them the most. Experiencing Uusivirta & co. live can only be described as one of those near perfect moments in life when everything you might need and want is right there with you. They’re reminders of just how beautiful life can be – and that’s just what we’re getting come July. Thank heavens for that.

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A36 (SE)ABREUAlan Walker (NO)Antti TuiskuArppaAshnikko (US)Battle BeastBeast In BlackBEHMBlind ChannelChisuCledoscosteeEge ZuluEllinooraErika VikmanEttaEvelinaFGasellitGettomasaHaloo Helsinki!HapporadioHassan MaikalHassisen KoneHuoraibeInhaler (IE)J. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJVGKnipiKUUMAALähiöbotoxLasten HautausmaaLauri HaavLauri TähkäLuukas OjaMaustetytöt x AgentsMC KOOMELOMoon ShotMouhousNightwishOlavi UusivirtaSami YaffaSexmaneTehosekoitinTones and I (AU)Ulver (NO)Ursus FactoryVesalaVestaVIIVIVOLA (DE)Yeboyah