Sami Yaffa

Sami Yaffa

SAT 16th JUL 1pm | Tent Stage

Sami Yaffa is the embodiment of rock’n’roll. He’s as much a part of legendary rock music history as history is a part of him. Yaffa is the musician who’s swam in the eternal stream of rock and made it a home.

Hanoi Rocks, Michael Monroe, New York Dolls, Jetboy, Pelle Miljoona... Just a few of the bands and artists Sami Yaffa has graced the stage with over the years. His career spans decades, yet his first solo album, The Innermost Journey to Your Outermost Mind, was only just released last year. Good things come to those who wait, though, as it is exactly what you might hope for from a legend like him: a journey into the history, present and future of rock’n’roll.

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A36 (SE)ABREUAlan Walker (NO)Antti TuiskuArppaAshnikko (US)Battle BeastBeast In BlackBEHMBlind ChannelChisuCledoscosteeEge ZuluEllinooraErika VikmanEttaEvelinaFGasellitGettomasaHaloo Helsinki!HapporadioHassan MaikalHassisen KoneHuoraibeInhaler (IE)J. KarjalainenJesse MarkinJVGKnipiKUUMAALähiöbotoxLasten HautausmaaLauri HaavLauri TähkäLuukas OjaMaustetytöt x AgentsMC KOOMELOMoon ShotMouhousNightwishOlavi UusivirtaSami YaffaSexmaneTehosekoitinTones and I (AU)Ulver (NO)Ursus FactoryVesalaVestaVIIVIVOLA (DE)Yeboyah