Ilosaarirock Joensuu 3 days 14th-16th July 2017

Turmion Kätilöt (FIN)

Turmion Kätilöt

Do you have your surgical gloves, studded belts and duct tape ready? More oxygen, maybe? You'll need all of those when the deliciously diabolical industrial metal band Turmion Kätilöt comes to town and brings their sacrilegious performance to Ilosaarirock Festival!

Their debut album Hoitovirhe was released in 2003 and ever since they have toured and delivered albums full of beats and distortion. Turmion Kätilöt will spank you into a dancing frenzy fitting for their newest album called Dance Panique. There's no time for epidural, the mosh pit awaits.

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Ilosaarirock Festival