Main Partners
Data, data, data – Sponsor Insight helps us collect and comb through endless amounts of customer data from festivals past, present and future! The staff’s enthusiasm for data is unmatched, and so is their happy-go-lucky way of doing business! Get in!
The core of our collaboration with the city of Joensuu is made up of developing functional event infrastructures, advancing the opportunities for the makers and lovers of popular culture as well as making it known how adored our city is – as a destination, a city to study and work in as well as ahome town. Joensuu = best!
Digital mail service Kivra allows for the safe and environmentally more sustainable keeping of all your most important documents – including your festival ticket. Say goodbye to lost documents forever!
University of Eastern Finland sponsors our wonderful on-site event arena and cafe Ilosaari Lounge. UEF is rated one of Finland’s best universities and is the alumni university of many of Ilosaarirock’s professional staff.
Finnish ticketing company Tiketti serves festival-goers with guaranteed success and a wonderful amount of TLC. Tiketti is your go-to platform for all your club, festival and concert ticketing needs!
Our ticketing partner sells all Ilosaarirock Festival tickets with an uparalleled data-driven approach and a touch of magic and care. Head on to for all your ticketing needs from sports to culture!
Karelia University of Applied Sciences is an immovable part of Ilosaarirock through the cozy Ilosaari Lounge, their handling of the festival’s video productions and filming for the stage screens as well as through countless interns and thesis’ their students have done for and on Ilosaarirock.
"Do you accept MobilePay?" Absolutely! MobilePay, Finland's most popular mobile payment app, will sweep its way to Laulurinne this year! With MobilePay, payments are effortlessly handled not only at the Ilosaarirock festival area but also in stores, online shops, and apps! Easy and fun!
R-kioski, Finland's largest breakfast chain, brings its own container kiosk to Ilosaarirock! Grab some delectable food and drinks from “Ärrä” and take them with you at festival speed – quickly and comfortably. See you at the kiosk!
Brand agency Vaganza has been in charge of Ilosaarirock’s colorful and vibrant brand graphics and appearance since the day their company was founded. Their great work is only paralleled by their wonderful personalities – everybody that gets to work with Vaganza, should count themselves very lucky.
Bloom Deco, known for their inspired flower and lush foliage arrangements, will make the Ilosaarirock festival area bloom this year! Spot the stunning entrances and decorative walls made from eco-friendly and recyclable silk flowers in the VIP areas of Ilosaarirock. Sounds bloomin' great, doesn't it?
Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa, known as PKO, is one of Ilosaarirock’s oldest, most trusted partners. PKO’s hotels welcome festival artists for the dreamiest snoozes and the legendary Papinkatu S-Market keeps our guests well-fed throughout the festival weekend!
Media Partners
Ilosaarirock and fresh music media YleX have been a match made in heaven since their founding way back when they were called Radio Mafia! YleX has inspired many of Ilosaarirock’s past bookings and their DJs and media personalities have been spotted hosting stages andautograph sessions as well as just having plain old fun on the festival grounds!
Partially national but wholly loved, Radio Helsinki is finally making its way to Joensuu! The coolest editorial content and meticulously curated music – what more could you wish for from your radio channel? Spot Radio Helsinki at the Ilosaarirock festival area (and Ilosaarirock on Radio Helsinki’s airwaves)!
Finland’s biggest, boldest and most beautiful music magazine Soundi is a must-have for anybody who’d like to call themselves a music fan. Best reviews, best features and of course Ilosaarirock’s best Soundi Stage are treasures for anyone who’d like to dip in to the deep end of he musical pool!